Sunday, September 9, 2012

Part time job opportunities

Dear Students

If any of you are interested in applying for a job at The Beachouse, please get in, but get in early if you can.

I can help you put a GREAT resume together for this or any job.  I can also help with interview coaching!

Just pop by and visit me and we’ll get the ball rolling. My booking sheet is on the door.

I have had notable success with helping people get jobs, so if you are serious about getting some support, take me up on my offer. J

Email from Beachouse below. (PS Research has shown that many successful scholarship recipients had casual work during their high school years.)

Kind regards

Ms Magann


My name is Amy Arriola, I am from the Beachouse down on Colley Tce Glenelg!

We are just about to head into our busy season and would love to opportunity to put the word out to any of your students who are looking for a part time job during weekends or just for the school holidays.
We are looking for young vibrant enthusiastic people 14 years and over who would love to you join our team and have some fun!

If you would like to offer this opportunity to your students they are welcome to email all resumes/application forms to!

Look forward to hearing from you,

Kind Regards,