Monday, February 28, 2011

Year 12 BBQ

Last Friday the Year 12s raised $585.00 from the Year 12 BBQ. This money, plus other money raised from upcoming events will be used to support a charity which the Year 12s will decide upon in due course. A huge thank you must go to Prefect Jos Builder and the Soang family(old scholars) who were both instrumental in ensuring the event's success; as well as the Prefects who cooked and served for the year level.

Enjoy some of the photos taken by Priesten Tudor on the day.

How to access PAC student e-mail accounts

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Year 12 letter at the end of 2010

Careers News

On Wednesday March 16th there will be a Careers Awareness Day at Adelaide Zoo and on Wednesday June 1st, there will be a Wildlife Careers Day at Monarto Zoo.

Only 4 places will be given as this is a high demand area for interested students. (4 places have been allocated for each school, and even then not necessarily guaranteed)
I have the application form here and the first 4 applications Zoos South Australia received will be accepted.

Deadline is Friday March 4, 2011 but the program usually fills out before the deadline date.

Cost is $35.00 and students have the responsibility for their own transport.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Absences from school

From time to time Year 12 students are challenged with the choice of attending social events during scheduled school lessons; such events include the first two days of the Clipsal 500, Womadelaide, Adelaide Festival/Fringe, Australian Test Cricket and the recently held Big Day Out.

The school does not give permission for any Year 12 student(or any student of the College) to attend these events. Year 12 is a condensed academic year where each student is expected to maximise their success by attending all classes and participating fully in the school’s programs unless legitimately absent through illness or personal circumstances. Any absence from school requires timely communication from parents and carries with it an expectation that students will communicate with each teacher regarding work missed.

The Big day Out is a music event which we discourage any school student from attending. Media reports and research conducted by Paul Dillon of DARTA suggest some attendees to the festival can take unnecessary risks with their health from heat exposure, dehydration, binge drinking and drug taking. This is not an environment that under aged people should actively seek exposure to. Paul Dillon will be visiting PAC on Monday February 21 to work with senior school students and staff regarding drug and alcohol use by Australian teenagers. The parent seminar that same evening will be a most valuable opportunity to listen to the most current research and responses to drug and alcohol related issues within teenage culture.