Monday, May 27, 2013

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Gap Year Night

Dear Year 10, 11 and 12 Parents

It is with pleasure that I invite you to our upcoming Gap Year Night on Tuesday 28 May.  The evening will be held in Piper Pavilion and Anzac Hall and will commence at 6:15 PM. An event like this has not yet been held at Prince Alfred College and we hope it will be attended well by both students and parents. Whilst a gap year may not be suitable for all, many students are expressing interest in finding out more about what is available.  The night will be opened by Kent Anderson, University of Adelaide Pro-Vice Chancellor (International) and presenting on the evening will be:

·         Camp America
·         Agriventure
·         Lattitude
·         Projects Abroad (who do very interesting medical placements)
·         Antipodeans
·         UK Gap Year (working in a top UK school)

We have invited the girls schools to join in the evening including Seymour, Wilderness, Walford and St Peter’s.  There will be prizes to be won on the evening as well as refreshments of offer.

Come, join the fun and hear about fantastic opportunities all over the world!  Please RSVP to

Thanks J

Ms. Monica Magann

Careers Counsellor
Prince Alfred College
Dequetteville Terrace Kent Town, S.A. 5067
t: +61 8 8334 1243
f. +61 8 8363 0702