Monday, March 26, 2012

UMAT diary dates

 Aspiring Doctors, Dentists and other health science professionals!

UMAT DATES to put in your diary!

Early April                                            Registrations open
Friday 1 June                                      Registrations for UMAT close after 5 PM
Wednesday 25 July                         TEST date
Late September                               Results released

Register online at

Copies to this year’s Quick Reference Guide can be downloaded from the UMAT website listed above.

Ms. Monica Magann

Careers Counsellor

Opportunities for Business and or Hospitality Management

For any Year 10 - 12 students interested in Business and/or Hospitality Management, we are delighted to have the International College of Hotel Management do a lunchtime presentation outlining their Business Degree.

Free donuts!

Wednesday 4 April in the Piper at lunchtime. Please be there by 12:55 PM sharp.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Term 1 Year 12 BBQ

Congratulations to the Yr 12s who raised $722.00 in our first BBQ for the year. The House Leaders did a wonderful job of organising the event for 170 students and were instrumental in selling off any extra drinks and sausages at lunchtime to the younger students!! The money raised will be added to previous fundraising events to go towards a charity/cause to be decided by the Year 12s. Stay tuned for more information. The photos taken below are from Yr 12 IB tutor Ms. Vanessa Di Palma.

Hooks replaced in lockers

Next Tuesday, March 27, during Module 6, Yr 12 students are able to have a new hook fitted to their locker door in preparation for hanging blazers in Terms 2 and 3. Simply be present in Davey courtyard between 2.30-3.30 and unlock your locker. The process literally takes 30 seconds per student. This is your one and only chance to have a hook fitted.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

NYU Abu Dhabi

Dear Year 11 and 12 Students, 

Here is an invitation for students dreaming of an awesome ‘chance of a lifetime’ university education.  I highly encourage students to go to this evening, if they are looking for a learning adventure overseas with a top American University. I believe lovely food will be served on the evening.  Here is the blurb from NYU Abu Dhabi.

New York University Abu Dhabi is looking for students of uncommon ability from around the world who are at the top of their class, intellectually engaged, richly diverse, and passionately committed to making their mark on a better world.

Please join us for an evening of information about NYUAD to learn more about the curriculum, community of Abu Dhabi, financial support, and application process. For more information visit:

Reserve a place by emailing with NYUAD South Australia Info Session 2012 in the subject field. Please include the name of each person attending and their relation to the prospective student; also include any dietary restrictions we should be aware of.
Place: Intercontinental Adelaide
Date: Thursday, March 29th
Time: 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Steven Houghton
Program Officer
NYU Abu Dhabi Global Outreach Partner
Cell: +66 (0)858 470 074
Kind regards
Ms Monica Magann

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

ADFA information night

 Australian Defence Force Academy Information Night

This session is open to students, parents, families and career advisors who would like more information on the Academy, requirements, and recruiting process.

Monday, 19th March 2012
Defence Force Recruiting South Australia Head Office
Level 4, South Lobby, 191 Pulteney Street, Adelaide

Access to American Universities and College

Would you like to know what the process is for Australian (and international students) to get into an American university or college? Or how to win a sports scholarship to the USA?

If yes, the Careers Office has good news to share!

Prince Alfred College is hosting Education USA from the U.S. Consulate General in Melbourne to do an information night on Thursday 10th of May.  Education USA has received a funding grant to come to South Australia for a presentation and we are delighted to host them.

Their representatives will address the general USA admissions process (how to find a school, how to apply, what to do once you've been accepted) and on sports scholarships for elite high school athletes. 

This will be open to all interested Year 10, 11 and 12 students and their parentsAt the request of Education USA, we will be inviting the other independent and Catholic schools of South Australia to attend.

·         Time will be 6:15 PM arrival for a 6:30 PM start
·         The evening will wrap up at 8:30 PM
·         Location will be in the Anzac Hall at Prince Alfred College

We would request, in order to get an idea of numbers attending, that all interested parties RSVP to me directly at

I believe very important information will be shared on the evening and I encourage everyone to respond early!

Thank you J

Monica Magann

Ms. Monica Magann

Careers Counsellor
Prince Alfred College

Adelaide GapBreak Information Night

UMAT update

Dear Students

I understand from your Year 12 Career and Study Questionnaire and from talks with many of you, that you are considering Medicine or Dentistry as a career pathway.  

Could you please confirm this with me? 

I am able to send you relevant information about these pathways as I receive throughout the year.  Owen Yang, a past student has started a UMAT information program.  The website is  if you are interested.  He will also be holding an information evening on Sunday 18th of March here on campus.  Please book directly with him if you are interested.

I am able to help you with:

·         Future career planning
·         UMAT interview coaching
·         Confidence building
·         Scholarship support
·         Special information sessions - for example: Prince Alfred College is hosting Education USA from the U.S. Consulate General in Melbourne to do an information night on Thursday 10th of May.  Education USA has received a funding grant to come to South Australia for a presentation and we are delighted to host them. Their representatives will address the general USA admissions process (how to find a school, how to apply, what to do once you've been accepted) and on sports scholarships for elite high school athletes.  You need to RSVP if you’d like to attend.

Prince Alfred College, to the best of my knowledge has had 24 offers into Medicine/Surgery and Dentistry in the last two years.  This is an outstanding result for our students in such a competititve field.  I know from feedback I have received from past students, that the Careers Office has been able to help secure these offers by offering the above services.

If you do not want any further communication emailed to me because you have changed your mind or just not interested, let me know and I’ll delete you from this list. 

If you think I may have missed someone from Year 12 that you know to be interested, please let me know.

Hope all is going well with your studies thus far.  Don’t forget I am here to help!

Ms. Monica Magann

Careers Counsellor
Prince Alfred College
Dequetteville Terrace Kent Town, S.A. 5067
t: +61 8 8334 1243
f. +61 8 8363 0702

UK Gap Year opportunities