Dear Students
I understand from your Year 12 Career and Study Questionnaire and from talks with many of you, that you are considering Medicine or Dentistry as a career pathway.
Could you please confirm this with me?
I am able to send you relevant information about these pathways as I receive throughout the year. Owen Yang, a past student has started a UMAT information program. The website is if you are interested. He will also be holding an information evening on Sunday 18th of March here on campus. Please book directly with him if you are interested.
I am able to help you with:
· Future career planning
· UMAT interview coaching
· Confidence building
· Scholarship support
· Special information sessions - for example: Prince Alfred College is hosting Education USA from the U.S. Consulate General in Melbourne to do an information night on Thursday 10th of May. Education USA has received a funding grant to come to South Australia for a presentation and we are delighted to host them. Their representatives will address the general USA admissions process (how to find a school, how to apply, what to do once you've been accepted) and on sports scholarships for elite high school athletes. You need to RSVP if you’d like to attend.
Prince Alfred College, to the best of my knowledge has had 24 offers into Medicine/Surgery and Dentistry in the last two years. This is an outstanding result for our students in such a competititve field. I know from feedback I have received from past students, that the Careers Office has been able to help secure these offers by offering the above services.
If you do not want any further communication emailed to me because you have changed your mind or just not interested, let me know and I’ll delete you from this list.
If you think I may have missed someone from Year 12 that you know to be interested, please let me know.
Hope all is going well with your studies thus far. Don’t forget I am here to help!
Ms. Monica Magann
Careers Counsellor
Prince Alfred College
Dequetteville Terrace Kent Town, S.A. 5067
Dequetteville Terrace Kent Town, S.A. 5067
t: +61 8 8334 1243