Sunday, October 21, 2012

Careers Information

Dear Year 12 Students

I was deeply moved on Thursday at your Valedictory Evening, to the point of tears, as you individually made your way on to the stage.  I am so proud of you.   You are a dynamic group of wonderful young men and I am honoured to work with you.

Whether you want to work on a farm, study medicine, learn how to fly, start your own business or travel overseas, I am able to support you with your plans after Year 12 completion by providing:

·         Careers and study counselling
·         Help with emergency study back up plans
·         On-line careers/personality profiling
·         Employment support including resume/application letter development
·         Interview coaching
·         Scholarship assistance
·         Gap year information support
·         Leadership development ideas
·         SATAC application support (university and TAFE)
·         Links to training such as barista, customer service etc.

So if you need a minute or an hour, email me and book in a time. 

The worst thing would be if you felt alone or overwhelmed … not sure about your decisions regarding next year and not feeling excited in some degree, about your future.  And even if you just have a few questions that you want cleared up, please contact me.  Information is power.  Preparation and planning are helpful, even if changes occur.

Remember, it is rare that things go exactly to plan without the odd obstacle or bump along the way.  The tough times build character, grow our compassion for others and help test our commitment to our chosen pathways.  And it is not a crime to try something and then change your mind!  That is one of the great things about the times we live in.

If you do start to stress about life beyond PAC, don’t forget there is a caring team  here to support you, including me.

All the best with your exams. J

Ms Magann

Ms. Monica Magann

Careers Counsellor
Prince Alfred College
Dequetteville Terrace Kent Town, S.A. 5067
t: +61 8 8334 1243
f. +61 8 8363 0702

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Employment post examinations

Dear Year 12’s

Quite a few of you have talked to me about wanting to get employment after exams.  But you also realise without previous experience and training it may not be easy to find a job in sales and customer service. It is a very competitive market out there. You will be going into a flooded market of school leavers seeking work.

What will help you bridge the gap and make you stand out to the employers?  Training and experience!

I have met Peter who runs the HG Coffee School here at Kent Town and he is willing, at short notice, to run a 6 hour session before your exams covering:

·         Introduction to coffee making including understanding and appreciating coffee (lattes, flat whites, cappuccinos, etc)
·         What is excellent customer service
·         What makes a sales person GREAT
·         How to get THAT job

When:                  On Saturday 20th October from 10 until 4:30 PM
Where:                 86 North Terrace, Kent Town
Cost:                      $155.00

Numbers are strictly limited so that everyone gets some hands-on coffee making experience.

Please note that this course will not make you an accredited barista or make you the best sales person. 6 hours is just not enough.  BUT it will educate you, give you some hands-on experience and hopefully enhance your employment chances.  And it will look good on your resume.  This is a GREAT starting point for those of you who haven’t had training or enough exposure.  Peter owns 9 cafes around Adelaide and is always looking to hire too.

YOU Year 12s are my first priority.  Get in first.  If there are still spaces left, I’ll offer this to Year 11s and 10s as well.

Please let me know as soon as possibly if you are interested in this and I’ll hold a place for you.  First come, first serve!

Remember I can help with awesome resumes and cover letters too!

Ms Magann

Ms. Monica Magann

Careers Counsellor
Prince Alfred College
Dequetteville Terrace Kent Town, S.A. 5067
t: +61 8 8334 1243
f. +61 8 8363 0702