By now you should have collected your SATAC "showbag" from Mr Parker's office. In this information pack there is a range of resources related to TAFE and University undergraduate entry in 2011. Please ensure you read this carefully as it is ultimately your responsibility to ensure you apply correctly online and that you are aware of any pre requisites or assumed knowledge for the courses you have applied for.
To support you with your online application, we will be having some sessions at school regarding SATAC applications. The first is next Wednesday in room N13 for those interested in Medicine and Dentistry applications, as these close on August 31 which is earlier than all other SATAC applications.
On Friday August 27 there will be a Year 12 meeting in the Chapel during Module 4(PC time) to discuss the application process for all students. This will be presented by careers counsellor Ms Magann and Mr Bruford. Your attendance is compulsory.
If you have a specific question before this meeting please contact Ms Magann or Mr Bruford directly.
On a related matter, we will have a representative visiting us from University College at Melbourne University on Wednesday August 25 at 8.30 am in Ms Magann's office. If you are interested in attending please contact Ms Magann