Sunday, May 16, 2010

The 2010 Red and White

The 2010 PAC Red and White Formal was a huge success. The night ran very smoothly, with close to 400 guests enjoying the theme of Red and White makes Pink. Almost $2,000.00 was raised for the McGrath Breast Cancer Foundation on the night, which included donations on the night as well as proceeds from ticket sales. Old Scholars Patrick Deegan and Ollie Brecht provided the DJ services which ensured the dance floor was full during the night. The best dressed Year 12 boy was awarded to Joe Virgin who is pictured below in his very appropriate pink suit. Special thanks must go to the Prefect Formal Committee of Michael Brown, Ned Young, and Dominic Albanese, as well as the help of our Captain of School John Hood, and school assistant Mrs Melissa Dales, who fittingly won the best dressed staff member on the night. It was certainly an enjoyable night for all involved and the boys can be very proud of the way in which they hosted their guests from a variety of schools.

Josh Gugliotta, Formal Committee