Sunday, April 18, 2010

Term 1 Academic results

Congratulations to all Year 12's for the conscientious and committed manner in which you have begun the year. Most Year 12s are on track to achieve the academic goals they have set for themselves and many students have recorded outstanding results. A list of our Headmaster’s Effort Awards is shown below. It is the highest achieving Year Level of the Middle and Senior schools with a consistent achievement amongst both SACE and IB students. Well done to the 47 recipients which equates to a whopping 39% of the cohort receiving HMEAs.

All Year 12 students have had their Term 1 results reviewed by Mr Parker. Your PCTs also have a copy of your Term 1 Report for reference, reflection and review during pastoral care time.

For the small amount of students whose performance in one or more subjects was below par, there will be an opportunity soon for you to discuss this with your PCT and Mr Parker. This should be an ideal opportunity to reflect on the Term 1 Report, as well as any directions that have come from the recent Parent/Teacher Interviews to begin making plans for improving performance.

Term 2 is a grinding term as there are many internal assessments set for both SACE and IB. The Red and White will bring some welcomed relief but be prepared for a demanding Autumn in the classroom. All the best for the Term.