Monday, March 11, 2013

Ski and snowboard instructor opportunities

Dear Careers Advisor –

Instructor Internship Opportunity - 9 Places Available

Hello, my name is Kerie, the Careers Consultant here at Educating Adventures. I would be grateful if you could inform interested students, in their last or second to last year of high school, of this opportunity.

Previously full, EA have just released 9 more places on their popular Ski and Snowboard Instructor Internship Program during the 2013/14 winter season in Canada.

The Program is offered in conjunction with top ski resorts and is very popular with school leavers because it provides an opportunity to obtain paid employment and complete an internationally recognised ski or snowboard instructing qualification.

9 internship places have been released at the following Ski Resorts in Canada. Programs start late 2013
  • Lake Louise - 4 placements remain
  • Big White - 2 placements remain
  • Revelstoke - 2 placements remain
  • Banff - Norquay - 1 placement remains
** Further places will be released for our Japan based program shortly.

Interested Students can apply by: emailing EA at This will also provide access to their online instructor starter kit – information on becoming a ski or snowboard instructor.

Successful applicants will receive:
  • A GUARANTEED offer of employment as a Ski or Snowboard Instructor which includes uniform, full season pass and discount deals
  • Early season orientation, instructor training and accommodation package - Everything sorted so all you have to do is ski or ride!
  • International Instructor Association membership and level one ski or snowboard examination
  • Training, support and further qualifications throughout the season
  • Assistance and support with obtaining Working Holiday Visas, flights and insurances (in partnership with STA Travel)
EA are looking for school leavers who:

* Have a passion for skiing or snowboarding (Low level intermediate to advanced ability welcome)
* Have a willingness to learn through training and working
* Have an interest in travel and adventure
* Are available between December and April
* Will be 18 years of age by November
* Are looking for a life changing experience
* Have the financial support to participate (the all inclusive program costs start at approx $5900AU)

* Limited positions available in 2013: Due to limited instructor employment positions it is very important that students apply early. Many miss out each season.

Interested Students Should: Apply to EA by emailing This will also give you access to their online instructor starter kit which includes really handy (and FREE!) information, tips and advice on taking a winter season and entering the ski industry.

Thank you for your assistance, and if you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Best regards,

Kerie & The EA Team

PS If you would like additional information to pass onto your students about this opportunity please email me at Attention Kerie.

EA Ski & Snowboard Training -
Educating Adventures Limited

Monday, March 4, 2013

College Policy on private parties

Private Parties and Prince Alfred College
Prince Alfred College does not support nor encourage the provision or facilitation of any alcohol to students under the age of 18.

We do not recommend that parents organise events where such provision of alcohol to minors is intended, supported or likely.

The laws of South Australia, including liquor licensing provisions, are designed in part to prevent, minimise or delay the consumption of alcohol by minors to protect their health and welfare. Prince Alfred College supports these aims.

The decisions of parents to allow their sons to attend any event where minors are provided alcohol is made by parents alone. As a College we encourage parents to consider such decisions carefully and be fully informed about the legal, health and well-being risks associated with their sons’ attendance at such events.

In regard to the broader issues of alcohol, parties and minors, the decisions of parents to allow their sons to attend any social events with or without alcohol is one for them to make as responsible parents according to their values and relationships with their sons.

Adults have a range of safeguards to exercise including: saying no, providing education and information about risks and safe behaviour, and having authentic, “what should you do if this happens?” discussions with their sons. Saying ‘no’ may sometimes make us unpopular with adolescents, but it may make us responsible parents, and we will not be on our own. 

Scientific and research evidence indicates that the earlier young people drink alcohol, the greater the actual and potential harm and risk to them. Similarly, brain development is incomplete in most boys until their mid-20s, and this fact limits their higher order decision-making abilities in relation to risk-taking.

Conversely, there is no compelling evidence that under 18s can be ‘taught to drink’ by attending large-scale parties organised by well-intentioned groups of parents at which liquor is provided free, sold or brought in by the children themselves.  Furthermore, according to the SA Police, it is possible that organisers of events facilitating alcohol to minors are in breach of current licensing laws and definitely in breach of the proposed “Third Party Supply” legislation currently before the South Australian Parliament. 

The following sources may be of interest to our community:

The College has been consistent in its approach to this broader issue and has provided significant guidance to our community via targeted seminars to all Senior School students, staff and voluntary seminars for our parent community.

Please contact me or your son’s respective Head of School if you wish further clarification of our position regarding students attending private events where alcohol is provided to minors.

Kevin Tutt